Retail Maintenance Coverage
Out of stocks and promotional placements are big opportunities for most brands!
RDM is able to execute “Retail Maintenance Coverage” to maximize your sales and expand your profits
- Any retailer in the Southeast US including
- Drug, Food, Mass, Dollar & Club Stores
- All Categories including
- Beer, Wine & Spirits
- Consumables, Dairy, Fresh, Frozen & Grocery
- Non-Consumables, HBC, GM, OTC & Personal Care
- Professional, well-trained, properly attired representation
During the Retail Maintenance Call the RDM representatives will:
- Check in with store management upon arrival
- Correct all Planogram issues
- Verify all items are on the shelf and identify “Out of Stocks”
- Ensure tags are placed for all items
- Fill the shelf and promotional displays from the back room
- Install Promotional Displays and place POS / IRC material
- Discuss Suggested Orders with store management
- Report all activity on-line the day of the activity
- The RDM management audits & tracks all activities daily
- Communicate important information to Retailers and Clients
- Retail Maintenance Coverage is scheduled with a customized Retail Route
- RDM Routing software assures efficient scheduling
- Each RDM Representative receives a custom route every month
- RDM Route Sheets are based on monthly service cycles
- RDM Mapping software maximizes project planning