Product Recall Services
Both Retailers and Vendors have a responsibility and liability to remove all recalled product from the shelves as soon as possible.
RDM is able to execute “Product Recall Services” quickly and efficiently
- Any retailer in the Southeast US including
- Drug, Food, Mass, Dollar & Club Stores
- All Categories including
- Beer, Wine & Spirits
- Consumables, Dairy, Fresh, Frozen & Grocery
- Non-Consumables, HBC, GM, OTC & Personal Care
- Professional, well-trained, properly attired representation
During the “Product Recall Services” the RDM representatives will:
- Check in with store management upon arrival
- Assure that all “recall” items are removed from the shelf
- Remove the shelf tags if instructed by the client
- Box and remove all product from the store
- Ship or destroy all recalled product as instructed
- Report all “recalls” on-line the day of the service
- Discuss all issues and suggested orders with store management
- The RDM management audits & tracks all activities daily
- Communicate important information to Retailers and Clients